Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to replace font on Nokia E63?

Recently, I got my new NOKIA E63 symbian-based phone, a marvellous phone with a sleek look, 2.5” LCD, Bluetooth, cozy wi-fi & customizability of Symbian. Oh!!! So much I wanted to own a android, but that is for another day.

While I was enjoying this amazingly attractive thing, a glitch disturbed me. I was not able to see the Asian languages like Japanese, Chinese etc. on it. I was not happy, could not see emails or websites as they should be but only the depressing, meaningless box, ☐.

So, one dark night, I set up to resolve this. I looked up, tried, read and finally, figured out the way to display all the characters. So, if this interests you & you possess this rectangular wonder, you may want to read on further, else there are other interesting things on this blog.

The steps involved are:
1. Get the Y-browser and install in your phone from http://www.drjukka.com/YBrowser.html.
2. Browse your phone using Y-browser, go to directory ‘z:/resource/Fonts’ & right away, note down the names of all the fonts in the folder like nohindisnr60.ttf, s60ZDIGI.ttf etc. on a paper.
3. Now, get a font that you will like to see in your marvel. I used a Unicode font similar to msgothic or Arial Unicode MS because these fonts are capable of showing most of the languages of the World (search google to find these true type Unicode fonts with ttf extension).
4. After doing so boring a routine, the end is near.Go to the desktop on your personal computer & make a folder named ‘Fonts’. Copy & paste your selected ttf file in this folder & rename to the names of fonts, you had earlier noted. Repeat it as many times as the number of fonts you had in z:/resource/Fonts.
5. Connect your favourite E63 by data cable to the PC in mass storage mode. Go inside your microSD card , make a folder named resource and paste your Fonts folder from desktop to the ‘resource’ folder. So, your microSD card's folder arrangement may look like this ‘E:\resource\Fonts’.
6. Now, just shut down your phone, remove the data cable & restart… Voila!! Now, you will be witnessing a new font on your phone & if you have used a unicode font, you can see most of the languages of the world.

The webpage containing Hindi, English & japanese was opened in Opera Mini.
The result (Before and after unicode font installation):

Webpage before font installationWebpage after font installation

1 comment:

Alex said...

Thanks a lot Mr. Kshitiz